Silverlink Technologies believes that “Every Penny Will Help” and hence strive towards accomplishing protecting life of the Society by being associated with some of the Major National Projects which act as Sparks that ignites Change. We endeavor to Leave Our Mark on this World by Giving Back to our Motherland Every Bit that We Owe for her Betterment.

Naam Foundation
Naam Foundation is a organization started by Indian movie actors Nana Patekar and Makarand Anaspure. The foundation works for betterment of farmers in the drought-prone areas in the state of Maharashtra, India.
Through Naam Foundation Silverlink Technologies has worked for the betterment of farmers and have helped them lead better lives by educating them, increased their farming knowledge as well as their income. Silverlink has actively participated in the building water reservoirs and restoring and reviving the existing and abandoned water projects helping the devastated farmers caught in constant water crisis. We are proud to be associated with the major Projects aimed to facilitate the farmers improve and leave lives of dignity.
Lotus Eye Hospital
Lotus Eye Hospital in Mumbai, is the one of the most trusted non – profit charitable organization which has been accredited by ISO certification. Since last many years Silverlink Technologies have been sponsoring for the poor people who are unable to see properly by giving them the gift of vision. We are proud to announce our association with the vision of “Empowering Eyes to Illuminate Lives”. Silverlink also takes steps to ensure the facilities provided to the patients while providing the best of ophthalmic services to the deprived section of the Society like taking care of their accommodation and supporting their day to day needs while getting the necessary medical aid.

Save the Children, India
Silverlink Technologies believe that every child deserves a bright future and through Save the Children Foundation is the best NGO which works for the upliftment of Children of India. We ensure that the children live a secured life, full of opportunities for growth and development giving them a healthy start, an opportunity for them to learn & grow and protect them as well from harm ensuring that their voices are heard and their issues are given top priority.
We support the programmes which focus on early identification and engagement with the challenge – for instance, working with families to give hearing impaired children, a chance to live with speech and hearing through therapy and medical intervention Or working in source and transit areas to identify girls who are being trafficked before they are delivered to agents or brothels in destination areas. We are proud to be on the forefront in reshaping the lives of innumerable children be it nutrition, healthcare, education or protection!
Shree Manav Seva Sangh
Silverlink Technologies sponsors food, education & shelter for the poor & needy for their upliftment so that they lead a good life in society. We support Manav Seva Sangh which in turn carries out welfare activities for the Orphan Children and less Privileged Women & Senior Citizen. Through them we help orphaned, abandoned, Helpless Children and Women and provide them accommodation, Food and Medical care, Educational and Vocational Training, Child Guidance etc.

Citizens Association for Child Rights (CACR)
Silverlink Technologies focus on ensuring good quality of education and health for all children. Hence we are tied up with Citizens Association for Child Rights (CACR) which is a network of like minded citizens who will visit neighborhood municipal schools and clinics, and participate in various programmes like School Management Committees, Computer Literacy Programmes and Virtual Classroom projects, etc. and oversee the overall functioning and quality of education in municipal schools.
Besides the above we proudly declare our association with below mentioned Projects:
- Tata Memorial Hospital – Silverlink Technologies has provided donations for treatment for cancer for the poor who cannot afford the expensive treatment. We are associated with the Hadron Beam Facility Project – a unique therapy for treating the young children to reduce the adverse impacts of high dose radiation on their normal growth – and the new 200 bedded Women and Children’s hospital along with fund raising of the hostel facility for around 700 persons accompanying the patients.
- India Bravehearts (Bharat Ke Veer) – Silverlink Technologies are proud of our soldiers who have protected our motherland and we pay homage to these brave hearts who have laid down their lives in the line of duty. By being associated with this National project we connect with the family of our Armed Forces and pay homage to the brave and deserving citizens of our Nation – our Warriors! We certainly declare that our association with Bharat Ke Veer is one of the most valuable participation and contribution to our Motherland!!
- National Mission for Clean Ganga – Silverlink Technologies is associated with our National Mission of “Namami Ganga Programme” . Being connected with this Major Project we contribute towards the Protection of our environment and natural reserves, the River Ganga which we consider next to our Motherland which is the source of life to all of us Indians. The rejuvenation of the Ganges has completed 6 successful years and we feel is a moment of pride for Silverlink being associated with this huge National project.
- Prime Minister National Relief Fund (PMNRF) – Silverlink Technologies has contributed towards the PMNRF which is primarily utilized to render immediate relief to families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes, etc. and to the victims of the major accidents and riots. In the wake of today’s uncertain situations, we ensure to be attached with this most important Fund Raising Project which also caters to partially settle the expenses of medical emergencies as well.